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The Mini Package


Maybe a full package of Midwifery Care isn’t what you are looking for, but you feel like you still need something extra to your NHS appointments to help guide you through the antenatal period, answer any questions or worries and help you to prepare for a Positive Birth.

Why not Choose a non-clinical package with us, for that extra support and TLC throughout your pregnancy and ensure you are educated in all your choices and ready for Birth and Beyond.

What you get:
•    Early pregnancy zoom chat to discuss what to do next, all the ‘can’s and can not’s’, booking with a Midwife, what you can expect, and any worries you want to talk about.
•    Treatments in Aromatherapy Massage or Pregnancy Reflexology (mix and match or stick with one type) from 16 weeks of pregnancy, then every 4-6 weeks throughout, leading up to birth.
•    The time and opportunity to chat to a midwife (us), face to face at every appointment and in between those times via WhatsApp if you are worried. Basically, your own personal Midwife to message and ask all your questions and worries, talk about and prepare your birth plan, prepare for birth and get balanced, experienced tips and advice.
•    A Hypnobirthing/Birth Preparation session
•    Infant feeding session
•    Towards the end of your pregnancy bespoke and targeted Treatments in Aromatherapy massage and/or Reflexology to help your body prepare to labour spontaneously and reduce the chance of Induction. Plus optimising fetal position to assist with Birth.

Investment of £595 for all of this throughout your pregnancy journey.


The 4th Trimester package


This package starts towards the end of your pregnancy (anytime from 35 weeks) with an Antenatal Education class specifically looking at care of the New Born and Infant feeding/breast feeding. This is a bespoke class tailored for you and what you feel you need to prepare for the arrival of baby. This session will also include, Colostrum Harvesting (+Kit), Good position and attachment to help avoid nipple trauma, lots of handy tips for surviving those 1st few sleep deprived weeks of motherhood, and getting off to a good start. The Education session would be followed with a relaxing treatment of your choice in either pregnancy reflexology or aromatherapy body massage.


As Midwives and Mothers ourselves, we know how important it is to get your questions and concerns answered quickly. Therefore, following the session, a WhatsApp group will be set up so that you have your own midwife at the click of a button should you have any questions either antenatally or postnatally for the duration of this care package (7 days a week 7am-9pm). For that crucial first 1-2 weeks postpartum you then have the option to extend this ‘personal advice line’ service to 24 hours (24:7) for an additional fee, because we know that whilst everyone else is sleeping this is often the time when new mothers feel most lonely, unsure and need support most.


Once you have birthed your baby, we would visit you at your home over the first 1-2 weeks postpartum, depending on what level of support you choose to book, and at times when you feel you need that extra level of care. This would comprise of 2 home visits per week where we would provide you with all that extra TLC we know a new mum needs. All of our reviews say that this is an invaluable service in those early days and makes a massive difference. Our visits include practical support for caring for your new born baby, non judgemental advice and care, help to ensure you get off to the best start with your infant/breast feeding journey, and we would also come prepared with some lovely nutritious food to take the stress out of meal time.


Breakdown of what’s included:


2-3 hours Antenatal Education and Relaxing Holistic Pregnancy Treatment

WhatsApp support 7am-9pm 7 days a week

Option to make this 24:7 support for the first 1-2 weeks postpartum

2-4 home visits Postpartum over 1-2 weeks

Meal prep and gift



£495 for all above with the 2 Postnatal Home visit support Option

£795 for all above with the 4 Home Visit support Option


£100 add on for 24:7 (overnight advice support for 1st 2 weeks)

£150 per additional appointment add on option


£95-£150-One off Appointments available on request to help with your Birth planning, writing your Birth preferences, discussing all your different options and how to negotiate your NHS plan of care,

De-Briefing and Reflecting on your birth......



© 2019 by Samantha Welford

Sam Welford+Danielle Heselton

Birth Positive Midwife 

Private Midwife 

North Yorkshire

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