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The Complete Antenatal Package


Is this your 1st baby and you are wanting to prepare really well for a positive birth. Do you want lots of care and support throughout pregnancy so you don't have to feel worried or have unanswered questions. Do you want to learn all about Hypnobirthing, Optimising fetal position, how to achieve a really great birth and have all your antenatal education classes provided. Do you love that extra element of TLC and also want Holistic pregnancy Reflexology and aromatherapy massage treatments throughout. If so then maybe this is the package for you.

It's not a coincidence that all of the women we care for report having really positive births, and in turn a really positive postpartum. Often we see that labour and birth is quicker, easier, with less intervention, and the woman reports feeling more knowledgeable and empowered in the choices she makes. This includes first time mums too. Many of our reviews are from women birthing their 1st child in a really amazing way. And the reason for this is the type of care we give and the education we provide in how to prepare in the antenatal period. 

"We used Birth Positive for our Antenatal Care and it was the best decision we made for ourselves and our baby" (1st time mum)

"If you are wanting unique care, guidance and an amazing pregnancy and birth experience, I would 10000% Recommend Birth Positive, It was the best Investment for me and my baby" (1st time mum)

"After experiencing a really crappy traumatic 1st birth we reached out to Birth Positive for our 2nd pregnancy. We wanted to make sure that we were really well prepared and knowledgeable this time around. Wow, what a massive difference. I am completely certain that the care I received this time led to my amazing birth. And the Pregnancy Reflexology was utter bliss and thankfully helped me avoid Induction this time"

Investment in you for Antenatal Care;

from early Pregnancy up to birth £2100

from 28 Weeks up to birth £1250

Note this is an Antenatal Package Only. Your labour and Birth care, and Postnatal Care will be provided by the NHS

(you can choose to add on individual Postnatal Care visits or remote Support packages as required)


2 Weeks Of Intensive Postnatal Midwifery Care and Infant Feeding Support

Investment for your whole family £1295

2 whole weeks of care by your own Midwife, available as much as you need them, to help you transition into motherhood and get off to the best start for you and your baby. 

Frequent visits all in your own home. All physical wellbeing checks for you and your baby, the day 5 Newborn blood spot test, baby weighing, "never ending breastfeeding support", emotional support, lots of TLC, often some amazing foodie treats and gifts, the opportunity to talk through your birth and debrief, etc etc etc. 

"Postnatally, the support was utterly fantastic (especially the delicious homemade flapjack!) and absolutely invaluable for me and my husband"

"The Postnatal Support you have given has felt like a warm hug"

"The 4th Trimester is a complete physical and emotional rollercoaster, having you alongside me providing this level of care has helped make this period so much better,

no better investment for me and my family"


 Build Your Own Care

Block Midwifery appointments to be taken whenever you feel they are needed in either the Antenatal or Postnatal Period. Include Holistic advice, support and relevant treatments plus clinical midwifery care related to your gestation or number of days postpartum.

For example; Antenatal wellbeing check; Birth planning appointment with hypnobirthing, birth prep, maternal and fetal wellbeing checks + Reflexology/Massage Treatment, Day 2 Postnatal check and infant feeding support, emotional wellbeing, inc meal prep; Day 5 home visit new born blood spot test, infant weight and feeding support

Block of 3 = £395

Block of 5 = £595

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